Beet and Yoghurt Dip



Well the summer soccer season is now officially over – which reduces our soccer commitment to only 4 days per week! Yay.

Summer soccer didn’t end quite as well as the boys had hoped, with a disappointing loss in the grand final. So our beautiful boys, competitive spirits dashed, fought tears through the medal ceremony.

Thankfully we had a party planned for them afterwards. True to form, the boys had their runners-up medals safely stashed (not so disappointed they would risk losing them!), and were in the backyard knocking around a soccer ball within moments of arriving.

Spirits revived!

My contribution to the event was dips and nibblies, and I couldn’t resist making something pink. This dip is actually from my sister Salsa, and is truly delicious as well as healthy. I often make it to use in salad sandwiches for work/school day lunches.


Beet Dill Dip


  • 450g can beets
  • 1 sm clove fresh garlic
  • 1 c Greek style yoghurt
  • 1 T finely chopped fresh dil

Finely grate beets, and crush garlic. Place in medium bowl with yoghurt and dill and mix well.  Refridgerate until slightly set. Serve with fresh chopped vegetables, chips, lavash bread or crackers.

Beet Dill Dip 2

About baking bohemian

My name is Jen and I am the baking bohemian. My blog identity comes from the cultural background of my mother’s family, (Bohemian), and my mother’s more left wing lifestyle (bohemian). The big ‘B’ Bohemian refers to the rich cultural heritage of our family that emigrated from Bohemia when it was still its own country (it now comprises two thirds of the Czech Republic). Food featured prominently in the family and broader social life of that part of my family. No social interaction was without sustenance, and any celebration, large or small, was an invitation to cook up a storm. My own family emigrated from the United States to Australia when I was a child. For the most part we lived with our mother, and my dad eventually moved back to the US. The little ‘b’ bohemian relates to the semi-alternative lifestyle we led with our mother. I hesitate to refer to her as a hippy, for that conjures up so many misconceptions, but certainly she was on that side of the fence. She was probably more eccentric than radical at the end of the day, but she could really cook. We always set extra plates at the dinner table because inevitably people would visit at dinner time. I started cooking when I was about eight. Cookies. Obviously I was motivated by desire! I loved cooking, I loved that the kitchen was always, in every way, the heart of the house, so I was always part of anything else that was happening while I was cooking. I loved people loving my food. With all the different things that I have done in my life and am interested in, food has remained my most consistent and enduring passion.

4 responses »

  1. Your children are amazing Jen. Of course they have a great mom-YOU.
    The pink dip looks so delicious and matches their uniforms; love it!! You are incredible 🙂

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